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Brown Belt Syllabus

3rd Brown Belt Syllabus
1. Glancing Spear 13. Gathering of the Snakes
2. Thrust into Darkness 14. Glancing Lance
3. Circling Fans 15. Dominating Circles
4. Rotating Destruction 16. Destructive Fans
5. Falcons of Force 17. Unfurling Crane
6. The Bear and the Ram 18. Grasping Eagles
7. Raining Lance 19. Parting of the Snakes
8. Circling Windmills 20. Thrusting Lance
9. Leap of Death 21. Blinding Sacrafice
10. Protecting Fans 22. Snakes of Wisdom
11. Deceptive Panther 23. Entwined Lance
12. Courting the Tiger 24. Falling Falcon
Form: Long Form 3 Sets: Blocking Set 2
Sets: Stance Set 2

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2nd Brown Belt Syllabus

1. Fatal Cross 13. Circling the Storm
2. Twirling Hammers 14. Unfolding the Dark
3. Defensive Cross 15. Unwinding Pendulum
4. Dance of Darkness 16. Piercing Lance
5. Marriage of the Rams 17. Escape from Darkness
6. The Ram and the Eagle 18. Capturing the Rod
7. Escape from the Storm 19. Prance of the Tiger
8. Circling Windmills 20. Broken Rod
9. Descrutive Kneel 21. Entwined Maces
10. Bowing to Budha 22. Defying the Rod
11. Reversing Cirlces 23. Fatal Deviation
12. Reprimanding the Bears 24. Twisted Rod
Forms: Own Form (20 Techniques) Set: Kick Set 2 (Optional)
Forms:>Staff Form 1

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1st Brown Belt Syllabus
Extensions of Orange Strike Set 2
Own Form (20 Techniques) Long Form 4
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