& Times of Ed Parker
The Controversial Kenpo Master Revolutionized the Martial Arts in America
by Floyd Burk
Every year in Long Beach. California, a huge karate tournament takes
place. Since 1964 this tournament, the prestigious International Karate
Championships (IKC), has been a proving ground for superstars like Bruce
Lee. Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis and Mike Stone. Even today celebrities
such as Bill Wallace, Jeff Speakman, Gene LeBell and Eric Lee make appearances
there to sign autographs and speak to fans. What many newcomers-and
even veterans-to this tournament are unaware of is the rich history
and tradition of the illustrious event. The man behind it all, the now
legendary Edmund K. Parker, left it as part of his legacy. His death
in December 1990 stunned the martial arts world, but the tournament,
and so much more of Parker's legacy, is being carried on.
Martial History
At age 16, Ed Parker began
his kenpo (law of the fist) karate training with Frank Chow in 1947.
When Frank Chow's well of knowledge began to run dry, he arranged for
his brother, William K.S. Chow, to help Parker reach a higher level.
Parker was in awe of William Chow, who for some mystical reason inspired
in Parker such a love-at-first-sight reaction that he would make kenpo
his life's work.
After just two years of training, Parker left his home in Honolulu to
attend Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah. Even with this
small amount of training-he had made it to brown belt-he was motivated
to continue practicing kenpo while in college. Shortly thereafter, he
started teaching it to a small group of college students.
Teaching kenpo brought new depths to Parker's understanding of the art
and undoubtedly enabled him to consolidate much of his budo (warrior
ways) knowledge. (He had earned a black belt in judo at age 15 and had
become a skilled boxer and a veteran street fighter by the time he was
16). By now Parker had begun to conceptualize his own ideas regarding
motion, striking and defenses against multiple attackers.
Parker not only enjoyed teaching but soon discovered a phenomenon that
occurred when he explained a technique to someone while simultaneously
demonstrating that technique. After several repetitions, he could perform
the technique in a "no-mind" state of consciousness. Consequently
he soon developed his physical skills to the level of someone who had
been training for many years.
In 1951, after his sophomore year at BYU, Parker signed up for a three-year
tour of duty with the United States Coast Guard. Fortunately he was
stationed back home in Honolulu where he could be near his family, friends
and his future wife, Leilani Yap. Parker's return to the island made
it possible for him to continue his training with Chow whenever he was
in port.
Two years into his stint with the Coast Guard, Parker realized what
was perhaps his biggest dream: On June 5, 1953 he was awarded his black
belt in kenpo from William Chow. During the next year Chow taught Parker
more of the "master key movements" that he would later need
when he restructured and standardized what was to become American kenpo
Parker went back to college in September 1954, just one month after
his .discharge from the Coast Guard. It wasn't long after his return
to BYU before he was once again teaching kenpo karate, this time in
the wrestling room of the school's athletic department. In December
1954 Parker had the opportunity to demonstrate his martial arts skills
during a basketball game between BYU and UCLA. The demo was so successful
that word soon spread to law-enforcement agencies, and Parker found
himself teaching self-defense to police officers from across the state.
When the next semester began, BYU was offering college credit for law-enforcement
officers who enhanced their hand-to-hand skills under Parker.
Living Laboratory
While Parker was providing
self-defense training to the police community, that same community was
providing him with a "living laboratory." Correctional officers
would report to Parker when a particular technique was effective or
ineffective, Policemen who were involved in fistfights would discuss
in detail their encounters. Parker and those lawmen labored to develop
effective fighting techniques to deal with situations in which an officer
found himself outnumbered and was forced to use his hand-to-hand skills.
This resulted in the weeding out of useless, outdated maneuvers. Aside
from Parker's training with Chow, this interaction with the police was
probably the single most important factor in Parker's ability to refine
his kenpo karate into a modern realistic combat system.
Parker graduated from BYU with a bachelor's degree, then promptly moved
to California with his wife, Leilani, whom he had married in December
1954. By now he was confident in his teaching and had honed his live-performance
and public-speaking abilities by giving several demonstrations in Utah.
Consequently he believed he could open his own kenpo karate school and
attract enough students to make it successful.
In September 1956 Parker opened a dojo (training hall) in Pasadena,
California. Although the early going was tough, he began to build a
clientele of eager, dedicated students. What he didn't count on was
that when he offered hand-to-hand combat training to the local police
departments, they were not interested. This may have been Parker's biggest
break because if he had been teaching the police force, he might never
have had the time or the opportunity to teach celebrities and become
the American film industry's first martial arts technical advisor.
American Kenpo Karate
Before returning to college,
Parker was under the impression that he and Chow would at some point
open kenpo karate schools on the mainland. The fact that this joint
venture never materialized had lasting consequences. While Parker was
disappointed that he would have to go it alone, he was free to develop
his own form of kenpo without interference.
Parker created his art by taking what he deemed to be the best techniques
from Chow's kenpo, as well as from judo, boxing. kung fu and various
other arts that he studied. analyzed. compared and reviewed. His system
also overcame the shortcomings of his old "hold and throw training-which
was fine for one-on-one encounters but not for multiple attackers. Parker
was Successful in reaching his goal: Not only was his fighting system
effective against multiple attackers. but it also worked for everyone,
including smaller men. women and the elderly. After much refinement.
revision and restructuring. American kenpo karate was born.
One of the things that made Parker's System SO Successful in America
was that it fit in well with the American mindset. Kenpo Students were
not forced to learn a foreign language. and Parker's books gave them
something that they Could read and Study at home. A person could finish
a beginning or intermediate kenpo Course and be happy with his accomplishment.
But if lie decided to go to the next level, there was always more to
learn-because Parker was always creating and expanding.
The International Kenpo Karate Association (IKKA). originally called
the Kenpo Karate Association of America was formed just Six years after-
Parker opened his school in Pasadena. With so many people asking to
join Parker and teach his system. the IKKA grew into an organization
that gave its member schools roots. It continued to grow in America
and other parts of the world.
Parker was fortunate to have students who trained with him in Pasadena
before returning to their home overseas to establish the Ed Parker system
To ensure the success of these foreign programs, Parker or one of his
senior assistants would travel to these distant lands to work with new
kenpo instructors on the master key movements and on any changes in
the system. The IKKA continues to be the leading sanctioning body for
kenpo stylists around the world.
In 1964. after two years of planning, Parker hosted the first International
Karate Championships, also known as the Internationals, at the Long
Beach Auditorium in Southern California. It was his brilliant idea for
bringing together martial artists from all styles and all parts of the
world. It grew and was eventually moved to the Sports Arena. Year after
year it churned out one champion after another.
The event's demonstration segment also served as a stepping stone that
allowed those who contributed to the martial arts to gain recognition
and prominence. Without Parker and the influence of this event, many
of the champions and instructors that we revere would not be known today.
Answering the Critics
The movers and shakers of
the martial arts industry always receive more than their fair share
of scrutiny. Parker's success over the decades brought him personal
and financial rewards-as well as criticism. Among these criticisms are
the following:
Ed Parker lacked the formal training and experience needed to successfully
structure and synthesize a true combat system.
His critics like to forget that his budo training included earning a
black belt in judo and that the combat effectiveness of his kenpo karate
came from trial-and-error testing involving experienced street fighters
and law-enforcement personnel. His techniques and strategies were developed
from a foundation of proven models, not unproven theories.
Ed Parker put blinders on the martial arts community.
On the contrary, Parker sought to take the blinders off. He thought
that there were too many instructors who hid behind a bundle of secrets.
He was not fond of instructors who used mysticism and rhetoric to control
their students or those whose doctrine required their students to train
with them and no one else. Parker encouraged his students to learn as
much as possible about the martial arts.
Ed Parker was not traditional enough.
Parker was traditional in ways that many of his critics failed to recognize.
He taught the martial arts for self-defense and as a way for practitioners
to attain personal growth and enlightenment. He stressed that students
should seek balance in mind, body and spirit. He differed philosophically
from many others who held traditional views, however. He believed "truths"
are "truths" regardless of whether a person is told them or
learns them on his own. Thus, his students were not bound to him as
the only source for enlightenment.
Ed Parker ruined karate.
There was a time when a few Ed Parker Kenpo Karate Schools had a less-than-qualified
instructor/owner. Even members of Parker's "road team" protégées
like Richard Planas and Benny Urquidez, who traveled to different schools
to work with the owners-could do little to help those instructors be
more than a cheap imitation of the real thing. This situation posed
a legitimate problem for Parker, one that probably caused him some regret.
Ed Parker's system is an ineffective slap-art that looks good only in
movies and on television.
Part of this criticism resulted from Parker's teaching of television
and movie stars. Critics would say, "Since the movies are not real,
the karate must not be real either." Others misunderstood Parker's
"checking principle" and believed that the many open-hand
techniques involved in checking were just useless slaps. In reality,
thousands of Parker kenpo practitioners find comfort in their self-protection
abilities, and many have successfully defended themselves on the street.
Furthermore, law-enforcement agencies like the Los Angeles Police Department
now have experts from Parker's kenpo karate train their officers in
hand-to-hand combat.
On the other side of the coin, some of Parker's core black belts agree
that a large number of American kenpo karate instructors do indeed teach
a slap-art. Those old-timers say that these people run kenpo schools
and profess to be black belts but do not understand the master key movements
or teach the way Parker would have wanted.
Was Ed Parker one of the
greatest innovators the martial arts world has ever known, perhaps on
the same level as judo's Jigoro, Kano and shotokan's Gichin Funakoshi?
The answer has to be yes.
In addition to creating American kenpo karate, Parker did more to publicize
the martial arts than any other person or group. He did this with the
aid of celebrities like Elvis Presley and Bruce Lee, who took it upon
themselves to help him promote the martial arts internationally.
The greatest testimony to Ed Parker is that American kenpo karate is
still going strong around the world. People still enjoy coming to the
International Karate Championships, and with the efforts of his family,
friends and students, the Parker legacy will continue for years to come.
About the author.- Floyd Burk is a freelance writer and martial arts
instructor based in San Diego. To learn more about Ed Parker's legacy,
pick up a copy of Memories of Ed Parker. For information about the International
Karate Championships, write to International Kenpo Karate Association,
1705 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena, California 91106.