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Kenpo Forms/Kata
Form 1 - A quick note for anyone reading this. I am only a green
belt so what I have written here is lacking in anything technical and is merely
meant as a guide to anyone who is having trouble learning Short Form 1.
I am sure it is littered with mistakes so please don't write in complaining.
Horse stance on ‘open’ command (left hand open fingers and thumbs together resting
on knuckles/closed fingers of right fist).
Imagine you are standing in the center of a clock facing 12 o’clock.
Inward blocks (first side retreating backwards – facing 12 o’clock)
and Outward blocks. (you will now adjust your stance as described below so you
are facing 9 o’clock and retreating while blocking an opponent)
maneuver with back elbow and Upward and Inward blocks
around with downward blocks.
What could be easier!.
Attention Stance.
Open to meditating Horse stance.
1. left foot drops back toward 6 o'clock into a right neutral bow, facing
12 o'clock as you simultaneously execute a right inward block.
2. Pivot into a right forward bow toward 12 o'clock as you execute a left straight punch toward 12 o'clock.
3. Have your right foot slide into a right transitional cat stance while executing a right inward block. Complete your right step through by having your right foot plant back toward 6 o'clock into a left neutral bow. As you settle into your left neutral bow simultaneously execute a left inward block.
4. Pivot into a left forward bow toward 12 o'clock as you execute a right straight punch to 12 o'clock.
Back elbows are executed with opposite arm to that doing the punch.
5. Step across to 2 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 9 o'clock, while simultaneously executing a right inward and left outward block.
6. Pivot into a left forward bow toward 9 o'clock as you execute a right straight punch to 9 o'clock.
7. Your left foot drops back toward 3 o'clock into a right neutral bow facing 9 o'clock, while simultaneously executing a left inward and right outward block.
8. Pivot into a right forward bow toward 9 o'clock as you execute a left straight punch to 9 o'clock.
9. Cover (step right foot to 6 o'clock, look towards 3 o'clock) while delivering a left back elbow. Immediately pivot in-place into a left neutral bow facing 3 o'clock, while simultaneously executing a left upward block.
10. Pivot into a left forward bow toward 3 o'clock as you execute a right straight punch to 3 o'clock.
11. Your left foot drops back towards 9 o'clock into a right neutral bow facing 3 o'clock, while simultaneously executing a right upward block.
12. Pivot into a right forward bow toward 3 o'clock as you execute a left straight punch to 3 o'clock.
13. Cover (Cover- fall forward into a side cat stance, step left back to 12 o'clock) into a right neutral bow facing 6 o'clock, while simultaneously executing a right downward block.
14. Pivot into a right forward bow toward 6 o'clock as you execute a left straight punch to 6 o'clock.
15. Your right foot drops back toward 12 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 6 o'clock while simultaneously executing a left downward block.
16. Pivot into a left neutral bow toward 6 o'clock as you execute a right straight punch to 6 o'clock.
17. (a): Pivot back to a left neutral bow facing 6 o'clock while simultaneously executing a right inward block. Execute a left inward block. Execute a right inward block.
18. (a): Your left foot steps back toward 12 o'clock into a right neutral bow, facing 6 o'clock while simultaneously executing a right inward block. Execute a left inward block. Execute a right inward block.
19. Step across (by moving your
left foot toward 3 o'clock) into a right neutral bow facing 9 o'clock, while
simultaneously executing a right outward block.
(b): Execute a left outward block.
(c): Execute a right outward block.
20. (a): Your right foot drops
back toward 3 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 9 o'clock while simultaneously
executing a left outward block.
(b): Execute a right outward block.
(c): Execute a left outward block.
21. (a): Cover (by moving your
left foot toward 9 o'clock) into a right neutral bow facing 3 o'clock, while
simultaneously executing a right upward block.
(b): Execute a left upward block.
(c): Execute a right upward block.
22. (a): Your right foots drops
back to 9 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 3 o'clock, while simultaneously
executing a left upward block.
(b): Execute a right upward block.
(c): Execute a left upward block.
23. (a): Cover (by moving your
right foot to a side cat stance, then toward 6 o'clock) into a left neutral
bow facing 12 o'clock, while simultaneously executing a left downward block.
(b): Execute a right downward block.
(c): Execute a left downward block.
24. (a): Your left foot drops back
toward 6 o'clock into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock, whil simultaneously
executing a right downward block.
(b): Execute a left downward block.
(c): Execute a right downward block.
25. (a): Recover by first dragging
your left foot your right foot and then moving it out toward 9 o'clock into
a horse stance, facing 12 o'clock. This maneuver is simultaneously done it while
executing a left inside downward block palm down- bottom fist.
(b): Execute a right inside downward block (palm down).
(c): Execute a left inside downward block (palm dow).
NOTE: The remainder of this form constitutes moves that are isolated. They are not linked to produce logical working sequences, but are to be studied for their individual value.
26. (a): Execute a right inside
downward block palm up -hammer fist -simultaneously with a left back elbow strike.
(b): Execute a left inside downward block palm up simultaneously with a right
back elbow strike
(c): Execute a right inside downward block palm up simultaneously with a left
back elbow strike.
27. Execute a left push-down block
simultaneously with a right back elbow strike.
Execute a right push-down block simultaneously with a left back elbow strike.
Execute a left push-down block simultaneously with a right back elbow strike.
28. Execute a right straight
punch to 12 o'clock simultaneously with a left back elbow strike.
Execute a left straight punch to 12 o'clock simultaneously with a right
back elbow strike.
Execute a right inward block simultaneously with a left back elbow strike.
Execute a left inward block simultaneously with a right back elbow strike.
Execute a right straight punch to 9 o'clock simultaneously with a left
back elbow strike.
Execute a left straight punch to 3 o'clock simultaneously with a right
back elbow strike.
Execute a right upper cut punch to 12 o'clock simultaneously with a right
back elbow strike.
Execute a left upper cut punch to 12 o'clock simultaneously with a left
back elbow strike.
Attention Stance. Open to meditating Horse stance.
1. Start from a horse stance facing 12 o'clock.
2. With your right foot step forward towards 12 o'clock into a right neutral bow while executing a right inward block with a left hand checks high. Execute a right outward hand sword.
3. With your left foot, step forward towards 12 o'clock into a left neutral bow while executing a left inward block with a right hand check (high). Execute a left outward hand sword.
4. Slide your left foot back into a cat stance while covering your right fist (cup and saucer) with a left vertical fist. Step out into a left neutral bow facing 9 o'clock while simultaneously executing a left outward block and a right reverse punch.
5. Slide your right foot back into a cat stance facing 12 o'clock while covering your left hand (as previous) with a right vertical fist. Step out into a right neutral bow facing 3 o'clock while simultaneously executing a right outward block and a left reverse punch.
6. Slide your left foot backward into a twist stance towards 4 o'clock, pivot out of this stance. You should be facing 6 o'clock. Simultaneously execute a left upward block while executing a mid knuckle stirke which travels downwards.
7. Cover and repeat but using opposite hands (right upward block, left mid knuckle)
8. Spin around to face the back left corner of the room in left cat stance. As you enter the cat stance do a right inward downard block. Stepping into a left neutral while delivering a full left downward block. Step thru, check and heel palm to the chin of opponent.
9. Enter a right cat stance as you face the back right corner of the room (deliver left inward downward block). Stepping into a right neutral while delivering a full right downward block. Step thru check and and heel palm again.
10. Pivoting to face front right corner in right cat, execute a right extended outward block while settling into right neutral do a right half fist.
11. Pivoting into left cat facing front left corner of the room, do the same with opposite hands.
12. Close to a meditative horse stance facing 12 o'clock.
Remember to stay as low as possible in this form and not to bob up and down. As usual Forward bows, definition and correct checks are very important.
To be announced. Please check back soon.
View MPEG/Video of Short Form 3 being performed by 3 students
Self Defense techniques contained within Short Form 3
Long Form 3 teaches us:
1. how to use a horse stance as a transitional Point of Reference when moving from one side of a technique to another.
2. The ability to perform with equal agility on either side of the body (right or left)
3. The use of an ideal positioning of the body as a Point of Reference which will enable you to move rapidly, easily and without hesitation.
4. The benefits of the use of Body Fusion
5. The need for instantaneous action or reaction that ignites and bursts from inside out with repetitive succession.
6. The importance of harnessing force.
7. The employment of on Intercepting Forces during your defensive or offensive action.
8. The ability to observe and evaluate all surroundings without concentrating on any one specific area.
9. Viewing your particular predicament by taking fleeting glances.
10. The use of symmetrical movements to develop naturally flowing corresponding angles in both your basic and sequential movement. this will ultimately lead to better balance in your transitional moves.
11. The correct manner and value of twirling.
12. How to use grafted techniques
13. How to defend against simultaneous flank attacks by 2 men.
Techniques contained in Long Form 3
Destructive Twins
Crashing Wings
Dominating Circles
Broken Leaves
Parting Wings
Glancing Spear
Pinning Wing (a: Single, b: double)
Controlled Wing (a: Single, b: double)
Crossing Talon
Thrusting Wedge
Blinding Sacrifice
Wings of Silk
Scraping Hoof (a: only on one side)
Repeated Devastation (a: only on one side)
Desperate Falcons
FORM 4 and FORM 5
Please check back in the near future.