Orange Belt Freestyle Techniques B1a KB1a B1aH B1aHK B = base move - in the Orange Belt the base move consists of two variations, (a) a left hooking grab, pulling diagonally and down to the left, with a right vertical punch to the opponent's face, and (b) a left hooking grab, pulling horizontally and to the left with a right uppercut punch (punch is diagonal and parallel with the opponent's left rib cage) a = first variation b = second variation 1 = inplace stance change 2 = push drag 3 = front crossover step out 4 = front crossover step out with a step through P = punch K = kick - in this belt category it is a front snap kick using the forward or left leg H = heel of palm jab - in this case it is the grabbing or left hand that is used LL = left to left - your left leg (which is forward) is facing your opponent's left leg (which is also forward) PURPLE BELT FREESTYLE TECHNIQUES - LL B5a tskrk tskB5aPbk rktskB5a KEY B = base move - consist of two variations, (a) a left hooking grab with a right vertical punch to the opponent's face while stepping through with your right foot, and (b) a left hooking grab with a right uppercut punch (punch is diagonal and parallel with the opponent's left rib cage) while stepping through with the right foot a = first variation b = second variation 1 = inplace stance change 5 = step through 6 = rear crossover P = punch K = kick h = heel or back heel kick bk = back knuckle ts = thrusting sweep or thrusting sweep kick r = roundhouse or roundhouse kick LL = left to left - your left leg (which is forward) is facing your opponent's left leg (which is also forward)
BLUE BELT FREESTYLE TECHNIQUES - RL Freestyle Techniques (R to L) B1aPdk B5aPrk B3aPHrk B1arksrk KEY B = base move - in the Blue Belt, the base movements consist of two variations, (a) a left hooking grab with a right vertical punch to the opponent's face, and (b) a left hooking grab with a right uppercut punch to your opponent's left rib cage (punch is diagonal and parallel with opponent's left rib cage) a = first variation b = second variation 1 = inplace stance change 2 = push drag 3 = front crossover 4 = front crossover step out 5 = front crossover step out with a step through 6 = rear crossover P = punch K = kick d = drag or drag kick r = roundhouse or roundhouse kick h = heel or back heel kick bk = back knuckle H = heel of palm jab - in this case it is the checking or right hand that is used ls = leg sweep — in this case it is a spinning left stiff leg sweep s = snap or snap kick sr = spinning rear or spinning rear kick ts = thrusting sweep or thrusting sweep kick rs = reverse snap or reverse snap kick RL = right to left - your right leg (which is forward) is facing your opponent's left leg (which is also forward)
GREEN BELT FREESTYLE TECHNIQUES - RR NOTE: Reverse the order of the Orange and Purple freestyle techniques changing the LL position to RR, and teach these moves as part of the Green Belt freestyle techniques. In addition, prefix the above with a single, double, or triple back-knuckle feint or strike before proceeding into the above mentioned sequences. In place of the back-knuckle other feinting gestures or contact moves such as a punch, finger jab, etc. may be duplicated. The following techniques should also be taught. KEY B = base move - in the Green belt, the base move is a right hand grab with a left rear crossover h = hooking H = heel of palm KL = knee lift P = punch SK = side kick sr = spinning rear kick ST = step through
Rathdown Kenpo Karate, Taney Parish Centre, Dundrum,
Dublin 14, Ireland |